
Quake 4 vs doom 3
Quake 4 vs doom 3

You can see a bunch of lights on the walls but they aren't actually casting any light as far as the game engine is concerned. The shadows are where the one or two main lights are blocked, even if there are other lights apparently visible. The real problem with the D3 engine is it projects shadows more than it projects light. Also, increasing the ambient lighting would effect all shadows, wouldn't it? So you could never have a pitch black shadow unless all the shadows were pitch black. Either it's because they want to show off the shadows or because making it so the shadows are not pitch black is either too performance intensive or too time consuming. I think the engine really is to blame in this case. If the shadows really upset you that much, you can open the level in the editor and add the ambient lighting yourself. It probably wasn't used in that area because of the performance hit it would have had on older cards. So in any engine, that lighting has to be done with a hack, it's just easier to do in Doom 3.but it also has a performance hit. Radiosity isn't where all the light comes from on bright sunny days, it's actually the light bouncing off air molecules. It's just as easy to get pitch black shadows in lightmap engines, even with radiosity. What the hell does that have to do with John Carmack? He's a programmer not an 's the level designers job to light the level, and the engine has plenty of support for ambient lighting. I'd hate to turn the shadows off completely, but this is really distracting, especially in Quake 4 where you are actually in lit areas at times. I've searched for a setting to just lighten up the shadows but can't seem to find one, the only brightness related settings I have found adjust the entire image, washing out the brights when lightening the darks. Does John Carmack have some sort of occular disorder? Someone needs to tell him that shadows aren't necessarily the complete absence of light and detail.

quake 4 vs doom 3 quake 4 vs doom 3

Here I am outside in broad daylight and there is a ship overhead casting a shadow that completely blackens whatever it is cast on. After playing the Q4 level where you board the ship it becomes blatantly apparent how ridiculous these shadows are.

Quake 4 vs doom 3